
MK C16 Load Cell 轮幅式传感器

MK C16 Load Cell 轮幅式传感器

价格: 电议 元
卖家: 李先生

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电 话:0756-3368255
传 真:0756-3368255
邮 箱:suncells@126.com
地 址:中山市坦洲镇前进二路8号一栋二楼B211室

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以上为MK C16 Load Cell 轮幅式传感器详细参数信息,MK C16 Load Cell 轮幅式传感器图片由中山市圣西尔电子科技有限公司提供,MK C16 Load Cell 轮幅式传感器
  • 产品特性
Cosntructed of bi-ball head. has super functions in self-restoring, corner pre adjustable
Upper and lower inhibitors design, easy to instalation
Dynamic respond, and super capacity for anti-overload

Application to truck scale, railway scale, axle scale, storage scale and other weighing equipment