
厂家定做不锈钢钢格板 汕尾排水沟盖板 港口码头用钢格栅板

厂家定做不锈钢钢格板 汕尾排水沟盖板 港口码头用钢格栅板

价格: 电议 元
卖家: 罗巧林

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电 话:020-37415903
传 真:020-37415903
邮 箱:3358297247@qq.com
地 址:佛山市南海区里水镇河村江边工业区

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以上为厂家定做不锈钢钢格板 汕尾排水沟盖板 港口码头用钢格栅板详细参数信息,厂家定做不锈钢钢格板 汕尾排水沟盖板 港口码头用钢格栅板图片由佛山晟护金属制品有限公司提供,厂家定做不锈钢钢格板 汕尾排水沟盖板 港口码头用钢格栅板
  • 产品特性

厂家定做不锈钢钢格板 汕尾排水沟盖板 港口码头用钢格栅板

Stainless steel grating made by manufacturer for Shanwei drainage ditch cover plate steel grating for port and wharf

深圳不锈钢钢格栅 港口码头船厂用镀锌复合钢格板

Galvanized composite steel grating used in Shenzhen port and wharf shipyard


According to the different characteristics of the grid structure, it can be divided into grab rake type, circular type, arc type and rotary type.


There are many forms, such as rotary drum type, rotary type, tooth rake type and step type.


Grid equipment is generally used in the inlet channel of sewage treatment or at the inlet of the sump of lifting pump station.
