


价格: 电议 元
卖家: 王永志

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电 话:0371-64829079
传 真:0371-64820761
邮 箱:vcper@163.com
地 址:河南省郑州市荥阳工业园区

  • 产品特性
转鼓造粒机 用途及特点: 转鼓造粒机是复合肥行业的关键设备之一,适用于冷、热造粒以及高、中低浓度复混肥的大规模生产。主要工作方式为团粒湿法造粒,通过一定量的水或蒸汽,使基础肥料在筒体内调湿后充分化学反应,在一定的液相条件下,借助筒体的旋转运动,使物料粒子间产生挤压力团聚成球。 该机筒体采用超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMW-PE)内衬或耐酸不锈钢衬板,实现了自动除疤、脱瘤,取消了传统的刮刀装置,杜绝了物料粘壁现象,减轻了工人的劳动强度,并大大延长了设备的使用寿命。 该机具有成球强度高、外观质量好、耐腐蚀、耐磨损、能耗低、使用寿命长、操作维修方便等特点。 Use and features: Drum granulator is one of the key equipment of compound fertilizer industry, suitable for cold and hot and high and low concentration granulation mass production of fertilizer. Main means for aggregate wet granulation, through a certain amount of water or steam, the basis of fertilizers in the cylinder body after full wet chemical reaction, in certain conditions, by the performance of the rotating cylinder, between particles into the ball pressure reunion. This cylinder by ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (uhmw-pe) lining acidproof or stainless steel liners, has realized automatic except scar, tumor, cancelled the traditional scraper device, to eliminate the phenomenon of wall material viscosity and reduce the labor intensity, and extend the life of the equipment. The machine has into the ball high strength, good appearance, corrosion resistance, resistance to wear, low energy consumption, long service life, convenient operation and maintenance, etc. 根据您的需求及原料厂实际情况,我们的专业人员免费为您设计更为合理、经济的综合生产线解决方案,您可以直接拨打热线电话:13838038836咨询! 圆盘造粒机 转鼓造粒机 对辊挤压造粒机 平膜挤压造粒机 干燥机 冷却机 筛分机 联系地点:中国·荥阳市汽车南站向西2公里路北(天赐重工) E-mail:464788151@qq.com 联系电话:0371-64829079 ①③⑧③⑧〇③⑧⑧③⑥ {zx1}产品:圆盘造粒机|对辊挤压造粒机|转鼓造粒机|平膜造粒机|复合肥生产线|有机肥生产线|BB肥生产线|回转式干燥机|